Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1 x 0

i liked the way it sounded
even when i didn’t say it

i liked the way it felt
even when i didn’t feel it

i wanted what i felt
i touched what i wanted

caressing her softly
i liked what she was
even when she
didn’t feel what i felt

my blatant desire for her
could not be kept
and so expressed again and again

i still feel somewhere
she felt

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Art of Love - Lobster Girl

three men approached
hungry each they chose to eat

The young man selected lobster
tail. Pointing with his index
'that one there' he indicated
his choice to his female
market attendent. She responded
'you know what goes great
with lobster?'

the younger man paused
almost stammering confusion
responding 'No'. She snapped
back 'Wrong Answer!'

now more distorted
than before
the youngest man left
walking from light
to dark
looking back
watching her disappear

Monday, October 15, 2012

Paying Attention

the storm blew through
sound breaker barriers
across my roof of trees
and multiple gutters,
the storm blew through
and then came rain
sticking leaves to sandy tar
and clogging every drain

but this was fall
the storm blew through
with it came much,
we should feel
god bless us all

we need a harvest
the storm blew through

praise his rain
and the sun it follows

what gave this
was generous indeed
watch the crops
they were dying
now grow

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Under a Rock

a tale of truth
it hides everywhere
even its ugly
is there

i look under rocks
and here it squirms
but i ignore

instead i choose to enjoy
its odd diversity


unaware of me
there is a love of spirit
unique to its own
the envy of all

is truth

platitudes - how tall are you?

if you desire to impress
do not set your bar so far
others might miss

while walking through time
stop to notice your footprint
no one else will

often we cloud our judgement
right and wrong
with what is preferred

never lie
it is better never to answer
than to do wrong

bullies are cowards
looking to prove they aren't
hit hard and hurt

the pain will feel good

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Art of Love - Time Travel

i began walking
thinking out possibilities
considerations of time,
mechanisms that cooperate
something man and woman
simply stay confused about

what kind of deal is this
one we ourselves compose
where in the end we suffer
to not agree
seems free but really,
nothing is

sometimes on Saturday
i concentrate on her
but Sunday comes with eggs and beans
sometimes bacon
and i forget

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Art of Love - Captivation

multiple powers of thought lie deep
within the cavern known as woman,
a shallow bearing holding the crux of man
seems to have us

Sunday, October 7, 2012


i love lobster

but i am feeling bad about this
lobsters feel,
they experience stress
know and sense their environment

sad to know
they live as long as humans

they are not eaten
first by us

i am feeling evil
i love lobster

today i learned
humans became
because they consumed

long ago

i am feeling evil
i love lobster

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stir Fry

onto the hot-plate they go
those varieties
and a little oil

much like peoples
all mixed together kind of make
a recipe

on a pan it sizzles
add some spice
mix some onion
peppers, mushrooms, and cruciferous

add a steak

and we have Republican Democracy
just waiting to be chopped
sampled and tasted

and savor they will
their victory
dismissing ...

waving you goodbye
i remain sad
once great
now 'Not'
you stand confused, disrupt
not strong not great

You are not what We came for
rather an illusive Star
shot from a firework

that shone briefly
but no more

Friday, October 5, 2012

Market Day - Buying the Wrong Way

as so many have pledged
their souls to faith,
believe it leads to god

the others have
their religion
to believe in wrong

it is this
our rumble
more than government,
but very little more
we fear

death is what religion brings
as does life

because saving eternal 'life'
seems more eternal
than saving life


Some thoughts -- ovidd


today i built a box
a perfect cube
side cubed equals volume

but i never thought of that
more i thought why
would anyone build
sitting alone and flat

this six-sided frame sat
for hours waiting

a moment
a monument
just one where i get more,
more than all the hesitating
all its presenting presenting

all it's nothing

a kind of hello darling

but for the days and weeks
spent building on this box
maybe someday
i will become a carpenter