Sunday, December 30, 2012

Power of Love - Desire

the roundness
of what oceans have carved
wrestling beneath feet
admiring when still

why do these years occur

flew away somewhere far
saw majesty loudness
her governance never waned
beauty extending forever
immortal as the stars

why do these years occur

i am sitting watching darkness
night is failing
so i am thinking
on a bench near a university

why do these years occur

Friday, December 28, 2012

joy - Power of Love

i had a teacher
who posed this question
not small nor great
but simple

what is joy?

at great lengths
she walked to explain
what so few
in ninth grade
could ever entertain

it is this ultimate
human failure,

everything wonderful
is but a pedestal
reaching in want of joy

Thursday, December 27, 2012


there came this darkness
like a black fog across this empire
which seemed to consume
and so it did, the best
and all the rest

for none were with,
it was as if all the earth
had lost its worth

but came talk of distant wealth
where all could profit

they would have to travel
and risk very much
if they chose to return

breaking this law
would mean instant death

many men chose not this
but instead

chose to be grateful to them
that did

all of these became congressmen

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Art of Love - 2012

i have to say
i like Cristina Ricci most
her hair face sleekness and style
did all it could

but  i cannot deny the others
despite the drab
comes all over it
and Jolie
is holy - merry everything
and Charlize
the most beautiful biped
in the universe

all Queens
in a game of cards
trumping everything

Snow Cone

like the snow cone between her thighs
her smile overcame the melting sugar
its multicolored stream
now dressing her legs
overcoming simply
and completely

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hitched - Bent Nails

this roadside is a song
that sings alone
but standing here

there is the
here feeling your breast
hanging as a string

like paper angels
i am not
leaving you now
nor ever

i feel
all and nothing
is something we made
we were more
much more

than we are

but we are still together

having Christmas dinner
at another roadside place

and happy

Monday, December 17, 2012

the American

regarding gun control
i am more centered
than i have ever been
so much so
there is no opinion

are guns smart?

do they assure safety?

are they trouble?

who do we fear?

freedom is a thought
defined by its loss

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Story

it was not a case
of believing
did not exist,
it was believing
it did exist
and she became

a substance in my mind
straining molecules
into atoms

if god thought this,

why are we wondering
Christmas trees
sugar plums and fairies,
tales of stories
making snow feel warm

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Art of Love - Chemistry

how does one equate
with owing one something
to knowing
they know nothing

for volume fails
to equate
per person,
that certain elements
then disappear

into other elements
forming different compounds
confounding the order
of life

and that is the definition of Love

Sunday, December 9, 2012


try to book a flight
to Denver,
you will never ...

it was the first time
i ever ate crab
stuffed to be exact
it was
a masterpiece

my parents passing through
took a little time to dine
and we devoured
downtown Denver
only to stop and think
and so it was

so many years would pass
before i would see
and begin to be

here again

everything i heard before

this time with Her

came so far ago
no one would ever know
the will to go


She went everywhere
and loved all

life could not be more perfect

more perfect than before
our life was then

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Nature of the Republic

i know poets
dream of ridiculous
look at them
hovering alone
an Ethernet of fiber

that control everything,
poets thinking of nothing
is all Plato
would say

to make you
there is nothing
to believe
what governments say

which is what Plato
would say

in a virtuous way
about truth

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Art of Love - Love Eternal

if i were to describe
a perfect union
it would not be of nations
but of peoples

something improbable

something desirable
so unattainable

something unfathomable

Love exists

but what is it
beyond irrational

i will undress her
with my eyes
in fact i have,
before i saw her naked

and i still undress her with my eyes

standing impossble
something that does exist

she is the reason for everything
everything that will exist

and all that does not