Friday, August 31, 2012

Pancake (Part 1)

On Tuesday
i made pancakes
something done before
but this time
was sweeter
the syrup dripped
more than ever before
but better

the pancakes survived
and i followed them
through much of the second half
of a moment
and all grew fat
and happy
until one day someone thought
maybe this is not the best way

but then dimensional changes
governmental mostly in nature
were ignored

someone just burned
an omelet of eggs

and the pancake
i am sure the damn thing is gone

who the Hell,
is watching the Bacon?

The one who wants it the most ...

there are no pancakes
because there is no treasury

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Power of Love - Lady at 7th and 22nd

let us talk of love
something irrational
but fascinating
a moment of thought
when she appeared
with friends alone
pretty beyond
stopping for the day's hour

she seemed so logical
her dress
her hair
her earrings
all bearings of character
and i wanted all
to touch, caress
lust can be a modest word

though i spoke
and introduced
i spent the evening
watching her alone with friends
somewhere was her head

sitting there as one
watching everyone
pensive of else

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Governmental Love - So Antiseptic

Love is my only feeling,
and that is bankable
because i always seem to owe
every woman i meet

why would i have faith in the US
when i know this

once i thought all i wanted was love
but now i know one does not know
we all search for what
any animal wants

surely not,
some hope

but after being slapped Down
again and again

i am in favor of anything
even everything


Monday, August 27, 2012

Corporate America

it was one Friday
a night sitting home alone
just tinkering on the keyboard
and no one was here

everything seemed to end
like the internet stopped
to pray

someone was gone
and no one had a care
of anyone
any longer here

all of them
slaving in their cubicles

then they all had left

gone as the day

as if they had never been

and for some this deception
is life

Sunday, August 26, 2012


if i were to play
chess with her
i would not care
if i ever won

if she worked
i would buy coffee
to watch her


i am certain we can plant tomatoes and lettuce with robots, think of that - no more labor

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Martian

i prefer a 'sweet' martini
as opposed to one 'dirty'

its difference being
the salt
though i may not love
any lady any way
on any holiday
the way i should
i could never pass any opportunity
designed to provide
an intricate and ultimate
to all of nature
this is a message to You

you have been a pup,
perhaps even a puppet
a dancing bear,
an embarrassment

but i loved you

i decided it was
'girls just wanted to have fun'
and men were happiest
for it was the way i wanted them
to be

i even forgave
the whole 'tree thing'
the apples were not
... i was just testing

you are going to die
anyway, ha!

you can have a sip and smile,
but pardon
i need to pause
to cough . . .

well i found you required
or you would not survive

and i knew
if you were incapable
of self sustenance
you would be far too much trouble
for anyone
let alone me

do you not see
i did much to ease your troubles
and in certain ways
i needed you

so i began giving rules
which seemed to never be sufficient
because for every one i wrote
it seemed another one
was broke
and yet another
rule was needed

everone kept failing
at everything i did,
even the man-made rules
to supplement those i wrote
faled too

i was such a failure
for thinking
this could ever work,
my father warned me

but then something
beautiful happened,
beginning as one
growing into a mass
stretching across
it became phenomenon

a message
a truth

what really happened?

no one wanted truth
so they made it all up

i know this is extraordinary
but i am too
and everything you believe
is wrong

Friday, August 24, 2012

a foolish game of chess

as intelligent as humanity imagines itself to be, it keeps doing the same damn things that make history - mostly history that repeats itself. war is the most unnecessary thing WE do. but it seems that we must continue until we all destroy one another, or someone wins. i am sure no sane person thinks anyone can really win this war (or any war). yet we continue to kill our best for what is never really clear to those that sacrifice.

once we had presidents lead us into battle, facing certain death at the risk of failure. now we have mouth-pieces proclaiming and apologizing. They apologize because of the wrong that war brings, and proclaim because of the glory it gives them (alone).

humanity has at its means a solution that it tends to deny. perhaps because it wants to keep killing. perhaps because it does know what it has.

the means exists to achieve everything a battle of souls can do, without the loss of life. an olympics of heart and mind where greatness is proven, but not at the expense of the human race. war does not have to be fought by men. if it is, then it should be purely between the leaders that feel it needs to be fought. let them die. i am sure the rest of us (especially the warriors) would be satisfied with commitment to the endless task of survival, rather than the endless one of death. after all, the only real reason for government is to protect us from our enemies, But Not Ourselves.

and we can play computer games all day long to find who is the best. and then do whatever losing a game of chess might require, all the time knowing the stakes that were mutually agreed upon in advance. And no one dies, not even the loser.

there is a better way, everyone just needs to accept it - in fact demand it!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Art of Love - A Stupid Poem

Next to me
Came this threat
And then Angels
Dispersing from all directions
Better than TV
Came to save ‘Me’

Watch out
If you rhyme
With nobody

You are probably
Not understanding Me

the truth is in your heart
such is what the tin man wants
and the wizard has

most likely, this is what
You do not have

love is one line
From insanity

The one
dividing it from hate

Monday, August 20, 2012


i have little to say
except, from time to time
we meet good people
those who wish us the best
and then there are others
ones we were cursed
to have met

they only exude bad Karma
and i am sorry for them
more than i am for those
who cannot keep anything

Saturday, August 18, 2012


 x=\frac{-b \pm \sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a},

A + B + C = x = D
it is this presumption that we would be
as numbers lettering this page
with perfect harmony
but what if C defects
then A and B are nothing

that is why we need E
because it can be
the replacement for failure

you see
E equals D
and we can always blame anyone
we choose
when we protect US

Friday, August 17, 2012


i remember observing a neighbor
at a gathering
throwing empty pistachio shells
into the garden from my sundeck,
and wondering to myself
if in one million years
an archeologist would appear
and ponder
if pistachios once grew here,
but by then
it might be
that pistachios
will have grown everywhere
and no one will have noticed anything

Saturday, August 11, 2012


if i could love but once
it would be a flower growing
in a field alone

Power of Love - Obssession

i built a time machine
one where i could go anywhere
any place any time

but i went nowhere
because i was already there
stuck in an infinite loop

and no one could help
but look like fools
gazing at each other

it was
like i ended in a monkey cage
no beer and no pizza
just some wisdom from somewhere
that said



seems like on the first day of fishing
when the season opened
everyone was talking about winning
because another chose another
and they could be vice-president ...

Friday, August 10, 2012


if one could ask
one being from each
on every planet in the galaxy
one question
allowing them freedom from persecution
from their own society
what would you ask?
it would be
we can anticipate
the answer
to be

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Constitution 2

what is the political thought behind any thought?
maybe some
maybe none, but it could be everything
and what does this mean?
there is no way to out-think thought
there is no way to stop
unless you are there and act as hero

somehow i think every military tyrant
that ever lived would agree and feel the same

but with the army
tyrant is the operative word
and thinking is not

beware this truth
more than any other
this thought usually damns

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Radom - Part One

champions are determined by victories
shields and daggers
clutched and ready to make stories
of truth

in ancient times there was this woman
that men say overcame the wills of all she viewed
by simply looking into their eyes

she was disbanded  as a rebel to the cause
and disappeared from all known

but to me
her vision dwells
and i am looking for her ...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Robot Circus - Part 2 Gears

each day was grueling, but not in vain
for each moment advanced the agenda further
like lava from its volcano, so was this work

it was gears that made it real
the turning of synchronicity
even belt driven, it was erotic

more is not enough