Friday, August 24, 2012

a foolish game of chess

as intelligent as humanity imagines itself to be, it keeps doing the same damn things that make history - mostly history that repeats itself. war is the most unnecessary thing WE do. but it seems that we must continue until we all destroy one another, or someone wins. i am sure no sane person thinks anyone can really win this war (or any war). yet we continue to kill our best for what is never really clear to those that sacrifice.

once we had presidents lead us into battle, facing certain death at the risk of failure. now we have mouth-pieces proclaiming and apologizing. They apologize because of the wrong that war brings, and proclaim because of the glory it gives them (alone).

humanity has at its means a solution that it tends to deny. perhaps because it wants to keep killing. perhaps because it does know what it has.

the means exists to achieve everything a battle of souls can do, without the loss of life. an olympics of heart and mind where greatness is proven, but not at the expense of the human race. war does not have to be fought by men. if it is, then it should be purely between the leaders that feel it needs to be fought. let them die. i am sure the rest of us (especially the warriors) would be satisfied with commitment to the endless task of survival, rather than the endless one of death. after all, the only real reason for government is to protect us from our enemies, But Not Ourselves.

and we can play computer games all day long to find who is the best. and then do whatever losing a game of chess might require, all the time knowing the stakes that were mutually agreed upon in advance. And no one dies, not even the loser.

there is a better way, everyone just needs to accept it - in fact demand it!

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