Friday, March 30, 2012


I admire the concept of CPR
but would prefer to be
allowed to die
only once

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Oz of Easter

in two weeks
we went from lifeless
stark naked grayness
to lush greenery
a variety
of many flighty
flowers and insects
dancing about
a breeze
of living
just as an old faded
curtain falls
expressing truth
awed with wonder
so it is with spring

Friday, March 23, 2012


each man
spends so much time
on myself,
i have no time
for anything else

but a girl
must think of
everything else
and probably
if she has time
for anything else


Wisdom is like pizza
the best part is the center
but everyone first grabs
for the crust

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



i'd rather be lucky
than blessed

if i am lucky
i would gain immensely
if i am blessed
everyone would want

if i am lucky
i might live forever
but if i am blessed
i would surely die

we often exalt
the cross of gold
without thoughts
of all the pain and suffering
it represents

And we often forget
the path
to golden forevers
is long and arduous


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Natural Love

tree trunks
in nubs
feminine against
the backdrop of red bud

to love

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Capitalism - An Odd Freedom

i spent years developing something
that was nothing to anyone that mattered
others thought i should do well
they believed in something that was nothing
i followed everything that led me
to nothing
and i am nothing
for trying to be something

Friday, March 9, 2012

Grand Canyon Love

It's a mile down but it's a beautiful flight, except at the end you have to pull up. Very hard. So hard some, perhaps many, do not make it. Regard the future as your gift to it.

A Mirror

I sent a message with secret codes. Did Anyone get it? lol

Check this out -- the other version of truth

Infinity is Perspective

i wish i had a poem, but i only have a photo -- ovidd

Thursday, March 8, 2012


i am better at trading
than i am at buying
concert tickets
and i am better
at roulette

than i am at
trading stock

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dying Young

the night Ray Frashier died
they took us kids aside
had old Bob Fisher
take us somewhere
god knows where

he showed us his
and then we all
went home

then one day i found
that knife
walking alone in the wood
there it was

and i took it

i lost that knife
many years later

But i still remember Ray Frashier
and old Bob Fisher

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wanting Her

i will have eggs
sunny side
with white northern beans
and grits
and honor all the times
all the thoughts
wanting you

Friday, March 2, 2012

Pearl of Wisdom

the Day sighed of peace
its pleasant breath
of wind gusting
blew briefly through
naked bows of latent winter
just before deadliness
disturbed Day's
we thought the time
to be so perfect

Thursday, March 1, 2012

modern youth

there is a time
when life began
the wilderness taking over
took hold
killing most that dared
but all tried
for it was all about
and a new and free life

and so it was
we are this
waiting for something