Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Evolution of Creation I

We often think of moral virtue as being tied directly to belief in a higher power that makes it so. Therefore, we often think that those who do not participate in our beliefs are low in moral virtue. I am sure most of us can refute this argument in our minds without a second blink. But the point of my digression here is to do exactly that.

Is god required for a moral society to exist? I use to think and 'believe' so - more than many of you do now. But this is not accurate nor healthy thinking. Here is why. 

The ancient Greek civilization documented numerous philosophical dialogs and lectures on human virtue and why it was essential for not only the individual, but for society as a whole to be virtuous. They even explored means to achieve this. And they were polytheistic - believing in gods that we now view as mythological.

At later points and in other posts, I will look further at this, but suffice it for now that two of the greatest Greek philosophers, particularly their works, serve as a central foundation for most Christian and Muslim doctrine today. They were Plato and Aristotle, of course.

 For now, that leaves us with the knowledge that it takes more than god to be morally virtuous.


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