Monday, May 14, 2012


i do not believe in the holiness of being
i do believe this is the beginning and end for each of us,
it is not that it could not have been, but rather that it has been
thousands of years of non-apocalyptic results,
the only such occurrence being man's destruction of man
many times in Your name.

i do not understand the violation of Commandment
it would have been the most valued and yet it is the most abused,
by You

true, Your Word it is wise and the most valued in the entire universe.
who could deny the Holy Bible or Koran as wrong and
not wrought with the wisdom of Age

You are the true Life
But You did not make us,
Thou may have forged this steel,
it has made its own strength

we made US,
by surviving horrors
and plagues worse than anything. There is nothing left to hurt
we have had it all already, and what would do This.
It is not fair nor Just and it exists
it is US, alone and We should know this by now

but Your proponents have chose to prosper at the expense of US
and they are guilty of promoting dissension
demoting US for the benefit of themselves and their descendents

We need Truth. Now!.

Damn me if You will, but i am Your Creature.

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